Once it has been determined that Dr. Park has accepted your child as a candidate for SDR, he also makes a "prediction" of what you can expect post-surgery. Of course, he is only applying his years of experience and outcome of children that came before you.
I have heard from numerous parents:
"Dr. Park's prediction was spot on."
One mother wrote:
"It was so eerie, a year after the surgery, Dr. Park couldn't have been more right about how my child would be functioning."
So once I was told that Dr. Park wanted to do Bryce's surgery, I wanted to know what he "predicted" as Bryce's outcome knowing it was just a prediction...
So nervously I asked.... "So, what did Dr. Park predict for Bryce's future..."
The Park Prediction:
"Bryce's posture will improve along with his sitting and standing. He will be able to transition positions. Bryce will be able to walk independently with a kaye walker without needing any additional accessories."
I was filled with even more excitement! If we could get Bryce that far....it is breathtaking just thinking about it. For those that do not know, a kaye walker is basically (a backwards) walking frame.
The additional accessories (that the doctor predicts WOULD NOT) be needed are:
- chest prompt
- arms prompt
- hip positioner
- pelvic support
- thigh prompts
- hand loops
- guide bar
Another positive that the surgery has on many patients is that speech begins or improves for some of these kids. Basically, when the spasticity is eliminated the child is more relaxed which opens their diaphragm. This helps the child breathe easier and can help progress speech. Bryce tries so hard to talk, he constantly verbalizes with us. We are hoping that he will soon find his words.
We know that it will take months, even years to see the full benefit of such a surgery. We also know that a prediction is just that. But it is hope, without it what would any of us do? It is that hope that will push us through these very tough times.