Were do we begin.... This week was "crazy", Bryce was off of oxygen and feeding from a bottle. We couldn't believe the progress he had made since his shunt was put in. It was great!!!! But then on Tuesday it looked like his shunt was exposed from the wound from his surgery. That was not good because it meant that an infection was possible. So the doctors said in their opinion that the shunt should be taken out and they should do the surgery over in a new spot. On Wednesday we chose to go ahead with surgery and not risk Bryce getting an infection in his brain. It was a very difficult decision to make him go through another surgery but it was that or take a chance that an infection could set in. The surgery went well for the most part, but once Bryce came back up to his room we noticed staple marks all over his body. Once we questioned this we found out that they had used a sterile dressing and purposely stapled it to Bryce's body to create a sterile field. We were understandably upset and very angry that this information was not given to us before the surgery. It was also failed to be mentioned to us after the surgery was over. Other than that surprise the surgery was a success. Now Bryce just has to start over, get off the ventilator and breath on his own, and eventually start eating from the bottle again. If their was an award for the strongest baby ever, I would give it to Bryce for everything he has went through. He is amazing!!!
As for our other stinker, Cohen was supposed to come home today. This makes the fourth or fifth time that he was supposed to come home and hasn't. He just had other plans and didn't want to leave his brother during such a difficult time. (We will see how long that compassion will last once they get older and Bryce steals one of his toys.) Since Cohen had another spell on Tuesday morning it pushed his date for coming home to Monday. He continues to eat, and eat. He is now over 7 lbs. and has a hard time fitting into some outfits that used to swallow him up a month ago.
Thanks for the support and continued prayers.
Above are pictures of the boys: Bryce chillin', Cohen in his bouncy seat, Bryce taking his first bottle, and Cohen getting a bath.