26 October 2010

One Year Home

We had a Halloween Party and One Year Home Celebration on Saturday (10/23). There were about 13 kids in total and I think they all had a great time. We had a mini trick-or-treat in our back yard - It was a hit! All of the kids had their buckets packed with treats.

Since we have last posted, we have started Bryce in a theraputic school program called the Perlman Center. He goes twice a week for two and a half hours. There he gets Speech, OT and Physical Therapy. The neatest thing is the access to medical equipment that we have there. He has been in standers and walkers - which he hated at first but LOVES now (the stander more than the walker)! There are four other kids in his class all ranging in age from 9 months to 2 years old. -- He is already making friends :) We are still getting in-home therapy --- as you might be able to tell he is very busy. Bryce weighs 17 pounds and every day is a struggle with his eating - but we will get there. We have a feeding specialist that will be coming in within the next week or so.

Cohen is doing great- He is a very typical 17 month old boy. He loves running everywhere and climbing on everything. He absolutely loves playing outside. He loves to tell us No and hates when we tell him No. I would say that is pretty much normal. Cohen is great with Bryce. He gives him kisses and shares his toys with him (Of course he trys to climb on him and get a little rough- but that is a brother). He weighs 26 pounds - shows absolutely no signs of ever being a preemie.

They are at such a fun age right now and we are enjoying every minute of it. Both have the greatest personalities - I am so proud of them!

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