03 February 2011

Standing Tall

Today was a very big day for us.... I have been working from home the first Thursday of every month. I meet with our CDO Support Broker and Bryce's physical therapist (aka Mr. Dan).
Mr. Dan has been with us since Bryce came home. Bryce has always hated PT but is starting to trust Mr. Dan more and more each week.

Bryce's braces came in, so today was Day 1 of trying them out. Mr. Dan had Bryce standing at the coffee table. It was amazing to see Bryce standing there with very little assistance. You could see the excitement in Bryce's face. He knew he was standing tall like a big boy! After a while, Mr. Dan just let go. I have to admit I was nervous but just sat on my hands. After all- we have to start somewhere.... For around one minute Bryce stood there all by himself. Once I realized what was actually happening, I told Matt to hurry and grab the camera. We only caught a couple seconds of the moment, but I will never forget any part. I couldn't get the video to load so hopefully Matt can figure this one out later.

It was so exciting and so unexpected. We were so lucky to have all been home together...even Cohen knew that something exciting just happened! It's moments like these that keep us going! I was so proud to see my little peanut standing tall today. He continues to surprise us every day.

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