I didn't start questioning speech until I started realizing more and more how smart Bryce is. Of course we always knew he was smart and knew what we said to him but even we don't know how much he "knows." We always steered away from trying a communication device because we felt like it was giving up hope that Bryce would talk one day. That hope will always be there but it was time to explore devices. We did use switches/buttons. We also used some iPad apps but the screen was too unstable for Bryce to use effectively. So it was time to make the next step.
We have started a new chapter in what is becoming quite a novel. As I have written about before Bryce is nonverbal but cognitively very age appropriate. We have encouraged him to talk for such a long time. Bryce has said a few words but never consistently.

He has mastered the art of "yes" and "no" with head shakes. We know many other cues as well. For example when he is thirsty, hungry, when he wants to play or when he just wants to watch cartoons. I have to admit for most of his life we focused on the physical part of Bryce. Funny how I started out hoping for him to just mobile in some way. Now, if I had to choose, I would rather him be able to just talk to us. I would love to know what he thinks about.
So this week we had a communication evaluation that I was very excited about. Had this been a year ago I would have cried leading up to this kind of appointment... Probably would have cried during it too. I answered lots of questions and made my own suggestions and ended up trialing the Eye Gaze communication device (pictured) and loved it! It calibrates to Bryce's eyes and then Bryce navigates the system with his eyes. It was amazing! It's hard to believe such technology exists.
The therapist had told Bryce what they were going to show him. She explained she would let him play a farm animal game. She asked him once they were ready if he would find the rooster- it was her favorite. More than 10 minutes had passed once everything was set up and calibrated. She pulled up the animals and he immediately finds the rooster and triggers it to make noise. Then he looked at that therapist ( 1 of 3 in the room) as if to say I found it for you. It was awesome!! The device can be set up to allow Bryce to tell us what he wants. He had it say three times " I want a drink."
The therapist asked me if I thought Bryce would look around the room if she asked him to look for Dad. I said no since Bryce knows he isn't here... He then had the device saying " I want my Dad" over and over.
It was so exciting to see... And Bryce was so excited. He did great for his first trial. Even more amazing was asking for a drink and asking for his dad! It wasn't a picture of Matt so it was surprising he would know what he was choosing to say. You might call it coincidence but I don't.
It was bittersweet thinking we - that Bryce- will have to learn such a complex system in order to communicate. We truly take for granted how easy it is to just talk. At the same time, technology today for all the good and bad, will give my sweet boy a way to communicate with people. No longer will he be restricted to communicating with the few people that can read him. We will soon be able to see what all he wants to say. I for one cannot wait! Another insurance battle begins.... I am becoming a pro at this.