I never imagined that I would become a mother of twins boys. I also never imagined that I would be a mother to a special needs child. In the beginning of our journey I was very naive in thinking that as long as the boys survived delivery then we would all be fine. I had read books and heard stories about twin pregnancies and some of the difficulties that some women experience during pregnancy. I also read stories about twins born prematurely having many long lasting health issues. All I was focused on was just staying pregnant. I was admitted to Good Sam at 20 weeks pregnant after starting preterm labor. What I thought would be a night or two stay turned into 58 days in that hospital. The boys and I went through so much... Amniostesis, amnioreduction, almost daily contractions, blood poisoning from an IV line.... On the 54th day I went into true labor - after being pumped full of meds to stop my contractions I quickly dilated to 9cm and my water broke. That day was terrifying - we all knew how small the boys were. After three days Bryce had a bilateral Grade IV brain bleed and we almost lost him. As a result of that brain bleed he has cerebral palsy. The doctors had met with us and explained that Bryce would be a vegetable, not able to eat or drink on his own. They told us we needed to consider his quality of life and make a decision on how to proceed. It was crushing news and we were completely shocked to be asked to consider stopping his treatment. This was not a dog - this was a human being - this was our SON. It was in that moment that I realized that we would need to fight for him - we would need to believe in him.
We still continue fighting for Bryce. We still continue believing in him. Bryce has been writing his own story from the very beginning. I look at him and I am so amazed. He has been through so much and yet he always smiles. Bryce has been such an inspiration to so many people. Today is the second annual
World CP Day! In honor of all individuals with CP let's break the barrier for all people with special needs. Let's see them first as a person instead of a person with a disability. Let us focus on what they can do and less on what they can't.
There will be a CP Inspires Expo at Kings Island this year. The event is for parents/caregivers/absolutely
EVERYONE. Come on out and be inspired. We are also taking nominations - you can nominate someone with cerebral palsy that has touched your life and INSPIRED YOU.
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