04 June 2009

Cohen and Bryce were born on May 17,2009 at 11:30 in the morning. Cohen Matthew came into this world weighing 2.12 lbs. and Bryce Anthony at 1.15 lbs. It wasn't a very intimate experience, the small room was filled with doctors and nurses. As soon as the boys arrived they had three people each working on them. Shortly after they were rushed off to the NICU with Dad following behind. 

The first few days were very touch and go. The boys were both on ventilators unable to breathe on their own. Bryce became very ill and wasn't responding to any of the treatments. The doctor came to my room and asked that Matt and I come down to the NICU. We were losing Bryce and she told us that we should have him baptized right away. We rushed to the NICU and sat with Bryce for hours comforting him with our touch and voices. Our families rushed to the hospital to be there as well. That morning things started to turn around and he started responding to the treatments that had not worked earlier in the night. He had made it... the doctor told us the next day that she truly believed he only made it because we were there with him during that time. After that night it was found that Bryce had bleeding on both sides of his brain. It is a Grade 4 bleed and the long term effects are questionable. That news was very hard to take, we just hoped and prayed that Bryce wasn't in any kind of pain. After making it through that night we saw how strong he was and that he wasn't going anywhere.

Recently the boys have been doing pretty good... They are on oxygen and Mommy's milk (with some added calories). The milk is given through feeding tubes that go straight to their stomachs. They are slowly gaining weight (Cohen- 3.3 lbs; Bryce 2.4 lbs.) and have really started to develop little personalities. They both have big curious eyes and smile ear to ear.  Bryce continues to have weekly head scans and has had a spinal tap to drain the fluid from around his brain. His head circumference has went down and the ventricles in his brain are less dilated at this time.

Thanks for the continued support and prayers.


  1. Mamma & Pappa CroleyJune 05, 2009

    We knew they would be beautiful! We just never realized how they would touch our hearts and lives from the moment we laid eyes on them. Everyday their smiles bring a joy to our lives that can't be described. We love you all more than words can ever say.

  2. AnonymousJune 05, 2009

    Casey and Matt,
    We are so proud of both of you. You've got two beautiful baby boys and we know that you are going to be great parents. You've shown great love and courage and we can't wait for the day that you can bring both of the boys home. All our love, Mom and Dad (Grandma and Grandpa Wood)

  3. AnonymousJune 06, 2009

    They are beautiful and we are glad to have them in the family. We hope you have them home soon. We love you all and pray for their safe homecoming.

    Shannon and Sandi

  4. AnonymousJune 06, 2009

    Hello Matt, Casey, Cohen and Bryce!!!

    We are soooo happy everyone is doing well!!! Your boys are adorable! Love the idea of the blog, I didn't want to bother you with e-mails of how everything was going. We hoped to visit when we were in cincy two weeks ago but with my brothers wedding time flew by.I do have some gifts for you, we have been so busy lately haven't had time to send them. We may be moving to Ohio next year...we will see. If so, count on us for play dates!!! Tom and I were reminiscing the night we took this picture ahhhh...90 degree tequila shots....where is the lime!?! You are in our thoughts and prayers! All the Best!!!!

  5. Matt, casey and boys...

    You are in our praers everyday..we ar so excited for your new family, they are so special and i cant wait for the day that my little annie has to choose between your handsome twins:)


  6. AnonymousJune 06, 2009

    Casey and Matt,
    We just visited your site and it is precious. You did a really good job describing your journey through it all. Cohen and Bryce are absolutely adorable! They will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.
    ~Diana Wells and Family

  7. Casey & Matt,
    Thank you so much for setting up this site. You have all been in our thoughts and prayers.
    Billie Jo Chaplin

  8. AnonymousJune 08, 2009


  9. Matt,Casey,Cohen & Bryce

    We love the idea of the blog. What a great way to keep people up to date on the boys progress. The video is awesome, of coarse I cried the first time I watched it!! Cohen and Bryce are precious, but what else could be expected, look who their parents are. You have 2 little miracles that we can't wait to meet in person. We will continue to pray for the boys speedy exit from the hospital, and home to their loving family. Give them a kiss and hug from us.
    Aunt Julie & Uncle Jeff

  10. Will I think I'm in! Matt you did a great job
    I just wish you could have given me a crash course on how to sign in!
    Those boys are too cute! I am not for sure which one I want my new grandaughter to date.
    We'll have to see which one will spend the most money on her. I hope everything is going good and that I can see the whole family real soon.
    Joyce Brown

  11. AnonymousJune 09, 2009

    Cohen and Bryce,
    Just wanted to say it has been an honor to take care of you boys in the NICU at Good Sam. God has blessed you with wonderful parents and has special plans for the two of you. You have my continued thoughts and prayers, Nurse Beth

  12. Aunt Andrea & Uncle James SmithJune 13, 2009

    To the Croley Family,
    Those boys are truly a miracle. I know that you will be great parents. Just know that you are always in my thoughts & prayers. God is good. Love you all!!!

  13. Laura HouchensJune 15, 2009

    Hey guys. I just read all the way through and I am still blown away. I never imagined the day I texted and said, "What's up?" that I'd get such wild news and the news just keeps getting more wild each day!! You guys are in my thoughts often. Please give me a call if you need anything! I'm still here, just not in room 109! Talk to you soon and kiss the boys for me!

  14. AnonymousJune 16, 2009

    I love your blog. The boys look to me like they are going to give you ten times the hard times you gave your parents. Always remember to turn to God He will never let you down. My love and prayers are with all of you. God blessings are unending. Keep up with your faith. The road ahead will be full of ups and downs but you have Steve and Dawns blood running in your veins,thats why I know all of you will be alright.

    Love Kevin, Ronnie, Sierra, Seth, and Kendra

  15. To the Croley family:

    I love the blog. The pictures and video are great. The boys are adorable. Glad to hear that they are getting stronger every day. Our thoughts and prayers have been with you and your entire family.

    Love, Cheri and Teddy Wright

  16. AnonymousJune 16, 2009

    Hello Matt and Casey! I just want to let you all know we are thinking/praying for you daily! You are both wonderful parents and these boys are so lucky to have you!! :) I can't wait for Lucy to meet her cousins!! Hope to see you guys soon!

    Mandy, Nathan and Lucy Kate
