28 April 2011

April Session ends - Trip to the Krohn Conservatory

We have had a very busy April. Bryce just completed his first four week session at the Conductive Learning Center of Greater Cincinnati. He has made a some amazing changes over the past four weeks there. He is now using the potty quite often. He probably goes 80% of the time that we put him on it. I have to be honest, potty training was far from my mind and I hadn't yet considered trying with him. Now we just have to work on a sign for him to start letting us know when he needs to go. I hated to see the April session come to an end, we absolutely love this program and it is going to be more than amazing for Bryce and his progression. He will have a break for the month of May and will start back in June. Everyone needs a little vacation. This will give him time to just be a kid - and of course, to celebrate turning the Big 2!

Cohen is doing great as well. He is running around like a little wild man. He is more destructive by the day and talks talks talks. He sure does keep us on our toes- typical 2 year old. We are working on potty training with him as well, but he isn't as fond of it as brother. Still a long way to go, but I guess we will get there in time. Cohen is starting to include Bryce more and more in anything that he does. It is so amazing to see their bond getting stronger all the time. I am so thankful that they have each other.

To end the April session we all went on a field trip with some other kiddos/conductors/assistants to the Krohn Conservatory to see the Butterfly Show. We were able to all four go and we had a wonderful time. That is until Cohen decided to have one of the infamous (2 year old) tantrums.... it was way past nap time for him.

1 comment:

  1. Serena!!!May 17, 2011

    HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY, COHEN and BRYCE!!!! We hope you have a fabulous birthday! We are sure Mommy and Daddy have huge plans for you today. Have a wonderful 2nd Birthday!!!!!!!!!!

    We Love You,
    Serena, Joe and Juliet :)
