15 April 2011

We are Marching for Babies

We are two days away from the March for Babies - we will be walking again for the 2nd year with our family and friends. Our family had a goal to raise $2,000 this year, I am proud to say that we have exceeded that goal. The final dollar amount is not yet calculated, but it is over the goal we set. I used to think often about our NICU experience and how incredibly hard that first year was on me, my husband, my boys and our entire family. The boys will be 2 next month, I just can't believe how far they (we) have come. We went from having very ill, lifeless babies, to 2 little boys who have really grown to develop such special personalities. We were told that Bryce would be more like a vegetable if he lived at all. I can proudly say that he has more life in him than most and his smile lights up everyone that meets him. I hope that the money we raise will help spare other families the heartache that our family suffered for so many months. I would love to believe that prematurity and birth defects wouldn't strike as often as it does, that it would give ALL babies a healthier start. I walk, we walk in honor of our boys and what they have been through, but holding close those who never get to take their babies home. Thanks to everyone for the love and support that they have shown to us!

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